Michelin Road Apparition

This happened one Saturday in the autumn of 2013. I was in Ardmore Oklahoma, driving along Michelin Road, formerly Uniroyal Road, heading westbound at about 1:30 a.m. I was on my way home from a friend’s house where we had spent the evening playing card games. The night was cool but not uncomfortable and very clear. This area is well lit with streetlights as the interstate ramps are but a few hundred yards away. I had just passed the Michelin Tire factory and began turning into a curve when I noticed the two cars in front of me slowing down. The flashing brake lights made me think that a deer had run out in front of them, which is a common occurrence around there. By the time I slowed, the other cars had continued on and I scanned the roadsides for any critters that might spook and run out in front of me. I saw no deer, but what I did see had me perplexed. Off to my left, standing right at the edge of the road was a woman with her back to me. She appeared to be staring quietly into the small glade of trees that grew about 5 foot off the roadway. Her outfit seemed outdated, with a particular 1980’s flair. She wore a heavy, turtle neck sweater of a light color, faded tight jeans, and light colored shoes. She had dark, shoulder-length hair.  She didn’t appear to notice any of the attention she was drawing, and there was no home or vehicle sitting along the road that she might have come from.  Being the decent person that I am, I began to apply more brake to stop and see if she needed help. I thought it was rude that the other two cars didn’t stop. Then, just before I came to a complete halt, a slow, heavy, oppressive feeling crept over me. It was then that one, and only one thought popped into my head…….”NO KEEP GOING!” It was at that moment that I knew something was not right with the situation and I accelerated down the road. Once I got passed her, I realized that time and the atmosphere seemed to normalize and I knew then what she really was. She was a ghost. A lost soul that decided to make herself known to three late night travelers.

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