My Weirdness

Anyone that knows me well, realizes that I’m a total anomaly as a person. I’m strange. Just plain weird. So I decided to give my blog readers a glimpse of that weirdness with these fifteen odd/interesting things about me.

1. I have obsessive-compulsive disorder and so everything has to be in a certain place or it stresses me out, yet I am also a procrastinator so I sometimes leave things lying around for a while. (Do you see the irony?)

2. I love nature and being outside yet I am allergic to nearly everything and I hate getting sweaty and dirty.

3. I have a deep respect for all living things and as a personal rule, there are only three reasons that I would ever kill anything: 1. for food  2. for protection  3. euthanasia

4. I have taken the Boy Scout motto: “Be Prepared” so seriously that I pack twice as much gear when I go somewhere (even if it is across town) than a normal person. I would be considered a “prepper” by some, “crazy” by others.

5. I love military history, war movies, and collecting weapons, yet I am a pacifist.

6. I am so open-minded that ideas that normal people find unacceptable, I find trivial. And likewise, ideas that normal people find acceptable, I find intolerable.

7. I am obsessed with collecting things: fossils, rocks, books, sundials, compasses, armillary spheres, hourglasses, globes, flags, coins, swords, knives, bayonets, military uniforms, tikis (native art), musical instruments,  Batman, Harry Potter, Star Wars and Star Trek collectibles, and the list goes on….

8. If it has to do with nature, science, history, or art, I like it.  If it doesn’t, I could care less about it.

9. I refuse to accept the notion of a “weed” because to me all plants have their place, usefulness, and reason for existing.

10.  I can’t read a book or watch a movie if someone tells me how it is going to end.  Likewise, I can’t watch the same movie more than once in a 6 month period or it irritates me, unless it is one of my favorite franchises.

  1. I am obsessed with things that glow in the dark or are phosphorescent under a UV light. I think it is the scientific aspect of it that intrigues me, or maybe it is just cool.


  1. I love Jeeps to the point that I almost refuse to own any other type of vehicle. I guess that makes me a ‘car snob.’


  1. I take my 2nd Amendment right seriously and to the extreme. I think the government may consider me a terrorist due to the pro-gun rants that I post on Facebook.


  1. I will join my kids in playing Lego to the point that you may think I’m a kid as well.


  1. Though I am a trained scientist, I am open-minded. I believe in, and am fascinated by, the supernatural. I have a family history that promotes and supports this belief. I have had experiences myself, and I hope to have more. I’m always up for a good ghost or cryptid story. Likewise, I believe in the potential for extraterrestrial life.

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